Monday, January 28, 2013

SO wonderfully made, indeed!

“I praise You because I am fearfully & wonderfully Made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well”  -Psalm 139: 14
My first appointment was to see the Nurse Practitioner, Rachael, at Cornerstone Clinic.  That was on December 31, 2012.  I was just 6 weeks along.  It was still too early to hear or measure your tiny heartbeat, but I did get a first glimpse at you.  At the time you were just a small little round spec; about the actual size of a sesame seed.  But it was beautiful to me.  I was not aware that I would be getting an ultrasound that day, or your Daddy would have been with me.  Luckily, since we couldn’t hear your heartbeat yet, we would be able to get another ultrasound a few weeks later. 

This is what your first ultrasound looked like (6 weeks):

Your Grandma Oden, your Daddy & me, on Christmas Eve, went to Babies-R-Us to look at all of the cute baby stuff.  We couldn’t wait.  I was immediately drawn to all of the precious little girl stuff.  I guess since I’ve been surrounded by boys my entire life, I dream of having a little girl.  All the frilly, lacy, ruffled bloomers sent me swooning!  I have other reasons for assuming that you are a sweet baby girl, but that is a story for another time. 

***Disclaimer: I will love him if he is a little boy no less!  But sometimes I think mommy has a hunch as to what the baby's sex is, and well, thats just my hunch :)

Any who, your Grandma Oden bought you some sweet little onesies that day.  Don’t worry, they are not gender specific.  Here’s a pic!

I can’t wait to see you.  You are such a blessing from God and I feel unspeakably, undeniably HONORED, that He picked me to be your Mom. 

Right now you’re such a tiny thing, about the size of a blackberry.  I can’t help but think…You don’t even know it yet, but there is someone that loves you SO much, that He will be by your side through out your entire life!  Someone who knew you before you were conceived.  Someone that will be there during every good moment and every sad one.  Someone that you can turn to for anything.  He will protect you and He will love you above all others.  His name is Jesus.  And as you grow in size and in mind, you will realize just how much you are truly blessed.

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